This is the result of being stuck inside for months on end.

For a practice trying to cut its teeth, the home is usually where we start. Putting the walls, windows, floor tiles, and cabinets you look at on a day to day basis on wax felt like the best exercise to get in the groove. 
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A work-in -progress. Rethinking housing with some exisiting models. 

How far can a shotgun house stretch? What ways could a unit multiply and and grow by copying itself? An exercise of making many from one. Collectives are cool. 
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Taking a request made in passing and trying to make something real of it. 

The Garden is thinking of the ways in which a home made in a factory could be modified to give it a different texture and feel. A quick test to see how far the language of mass production can bend before it morphs into something else. 
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for the folks who were ever curious about ditching their tables from ikea for surfaces you can build from materials picked up at Home Depot & delivered by Amazon. 
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a collection of pairs
a drawing and an image
just some explorations
behind the materials and assemblies we use to design the constructed world around us. 
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